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Vendors thankyou for helping to keep our mutual Clients and their loved ones safe - I'll be in touch 

Contact Name/Business Name*

Phone - Business Hours

Email Address

Couples Name/Wedding Date

Service Supplied*

PLI insurer and policy number if held*

Team Leader on the day *

Phone - On the Day of Event*

Crew Attending Event*

Does your contract include a meal? is there any dietary requirements*

Do any crew have a medical condition we should be aware of - Incl but not limited to - Epilepsy Diabetic, Allergies (bees etc) Asthmatic, Food allergy, Carries EpiPen, Very recent surgery, Pregnancy

Expected arrival time on site

Have you been to this venue before ?

Do you need directions or will use GPS*

If you are travelling in a non standard vehicle, (eg Carry Dangerous goods, electrical on board , height ,size, or weight) please advise so parking and access can be arranged.*

Have you worked with an Indpendant Wedding Co-ordinator previously

Do you require any special equipment or assistance to complete your task on the day

Is there anything specific you require of the Coordinator ?

Best times/days for the Co-ordinator to contact you prior to the Event date


Date outstanding balance to be paid (IF ANY)

EFTPOS availability for on the day payments ?

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